Monday, May 2, 2011

~My Holiday Story~

Long time no update my blog.
This time I would like to share my holiday with you all in my blog.
Here got 2 version, Chinese and English...


Singapore Trip(English Version)

26 April 2011
I was arrived at Singapore on this date. This was the first time I travel to Singapore with my family. After we reached Singapore, my family and I was staying in my 表姐 house. It was located at Pasir Ris. Her house was a flat. But her flat was huge and beautiful compared to Malaysia one. After that, 表姐夫 took us to eat seafood. On the way to having our dinner, 表姐夫 telling us"红灯区". We were wondering what that was? Then, he tells us that it was "Geylang". The restaurant we will having the dinner was located around there. When I reached the restaurant, I found that the name was familiar to me.
This restaurant name was same as one of the restaurant in Kampar. Walao a...the name was "No Sign Board". The tastes of the food were delicious. Besides that, we also saw a Singapore artist at that restaurant. She was introduced the food at there for their program.

27 April 2011
My family and I were waked up early in the morning because 表姐 and my family were decided to go shopping. Then, my 表姐 took us to the MRT train counter for buying the MRT card. This was my first time went to another places by MRT train. When I took the train, I saw many place names in Malay. Do you know that the name "Simee" was a city at Singapore? In Malaysia, we also got a place name as this, but it is not a city. Then, we having shopping at a place called Ochard. This place is a shopping complex area. This is because a lot of shopping complex were located at here. I have bought a lot of cloth because it have discount^^. At 3pm, we were having tea time at a Hong Kong dessert restaurant in Somerset 313. The desserts were delicious. The dessert most I like is this^^

U all guesses what it was...

It was a durian dessert. When I cut it into half, the smell was good. It was smooth and soft...ermm...the taste was good too... I hope I can have a chance to taste it one more time. We also go Bugis and buying a lot of things too... Furthermore, we also go cinema and watching the Chinese ghost’s story. That movie was nice. We were having sushi at "saske sushi" at night, if I'm not wrong. Then, we went to 舅公 house. I was very tired at this day because we have walked for a whole day.

28 April 2011
My family and I were going to Universal Studio. Before we go, we were having our breakfast nearby the airport. Early in the morning, we were having prawn mee as our breakfast. It is delicious and the prawn is very fresh too. After that, we went to Universal Studio. The entry of it was located in the ViVo city by train like MRT. The Universal Studio is huge and beautiful too. There were six places in Universal Studio. The places were Hollywood town, New York town, Madagascar land, Far Far Away, The lost World, Ancient Egypt, and Sci-Fi City. My 表姐 buy a special express for us. What was that for? It was a ticket which we do not needed to line up for waiting to playing the game. When we reach at the Universal Studio, "Ppl Mountain Ppl Sea” broke English...haha...

Those were the picture we take at the Hollywood Town…

We didn't go to the Madagascar land because it was a children land. There have carousel and river boat ride at there. We straight away when to the Far Far Away. This was the land of sherk characters. We went to Enchanted Airways. This was a roller coaster of the dragon in Shrek movie. Next, we went to the Shrek 4-D Adventure. This was places which see, hear and feel the action from the seat with the Princess Fiona and shrek in a fairytale adventure. If you have chances, you must try it. Then, we went to the Donkey LIVE. This was a boring place for me because it was a singing show of the shrek sidekick Donkey. If you got children, you can take him or her to there.

Second station, we went to The Lost World. This was the land of dinosaur. Firstly, we went to the WaterWorld in The Lost World. This was a water show with awesome explosions and thrills.

Those were the picture…

Next, we went to the Canopy Flyer which was a flying vehicle to enjoy the view of Jurassic Park. Then, we went to the Jurassic Park Rapid Adventure. It was a thrilling river raft through primeval dinosaur habitats. My mum and I were wet when playing at here. The luckiest was my brother because he wears raincoat. After that, we were having our lunch at food court of Lost World.

Third station we went was the Ancient Egypt.

We went to play Treasure Hunters because my mummy and brother was too satisfied. This was the desert jeep drive through the Egyptian exaction site.

You still child meh…haha

Then, we went to famous place of Ancient Egypt, “The Revenge of The Mummy”. It was an indoor roller coaster. When I entered this place, it makes me felt scary because the light of there was become darker along the way. This roller coaster was cool because I have never trying a roller coaster which moved reverse. This one, you all must try it…

The next station we went was the New York Town. This was a place where we can take photo with the cartoon characters, some of the marvel character and others. At here, we can see the life style of New York.

The last Station we went was the Sci-Fi city. I went to playing the Battlestar Galactica HUMAN of red track.

I don’t know how to say…Where did my brave come at all; I went to playing this roller coaster…

Is cool… MUST TRY IT^^

At night, we have having our dinner at the popeyes. This franchise restaurant was like KFC, and the chicken was delicious compare to KFC that I always eat.

29 April 2011
Today, we went to the pc fair at Singapore Expo. This pc fair was bigger compare to our Malaysia. My brother bought a digital camera around Rm450 and my one tera-External hardisk was almost Rm250. We think were cheap for us and decided to buy it. At night, we went to Changi Airport. One word that I can say was “Bravo”. It was huge and High-tech too. Then, we were having our dinner at there. Before we going back, we were having suffered at McCafe in MCD there. It was the first time I heard it and taste the drinks too.

30 April 2011
We going back to our home sweet home.


我们到达新加坡大约晚上八点钟。坐了八小时的霸王车真累。旅店?我们没有住旅店,我们到表姐家去住。她的家是在Pasir Ris。当我们放完行李,表姐夫带我们出去吃晚饭。我们在车里有说有笑。突然,表姐夫说这里是红灯区。我们很好奇,红灯区?什么地方来的?他告诉我们,GeyLang。原来这里就是冠辉最想要来的地方,但是我没看到那些。不久后,我们到达了那个海鲜餐馆。一下车,我看到一个很熟悉的名字,那就是“No Sign Board”。我当场傻了,我还在金宝吗?哈哈。。。表姐叫了很多菜,有咸蛋螃蟹,麦片虾,特制馒头等。。。然后,我们看到一个很熟悉的新加坡女演员。她超美,真人美过上镜。她应该是在拍美食节目。一回到家,我的好动表姐的孩子在我们住的房间床上跳来跳去。他还唱歌和表演给我们,他真的很可爱又有趣。

如果知道今天会很累,昨晚我就应该早点睡。不到九点半,我们就出去吃早餐了。因为表姐夫是警察要上班,所以我们只能坐电动火车(MRT)。然后,表姐帮我们三人买MRT Card。新加坡虽然是一个小地方,但是它有很多城市。如:orchard,Tanah Merah,Pasir Ris等。我看到一个很熟悉的名字,那就是Simee。在马来西亚,我们也有这个地方,但是没有新加坡的那么大。新加坡的MRT是每三分钟就到一个地方。一到了orchard,我们就去吃pasta当早餐。然后,我们就去逛街。今天,我们买了很多衣服。最让我满意的是G2000的衣服,新加坡卖的还比马来西亚的便宜。然后,我们就到Bugis去买属于我们年轻人的东西。这里的东西很便宜。然后,我也买了明伟的生日礼物。到了下午三点钟,我们去high tea。我们在香港满记甜品吃。那儿的甜品真好吃。


当我把它切一半时,我闻到很重榴莲的味道。这个布丁的料完全是榴莲,而且很滑,很软,我也不知道要怎么讲,总之一个字“赞”。因为离六点还有一段距离,表姐就带我们去看电影。我们还以为有机会看“鬼也笑”,但已经落幕了。我们只好看“倩女幽魂”。我还以为讲华语的不好看,还不错,很值得看。到了六点,我们等舅婆下班,然后我们就去Saske Sushi吃。到了接近八点,我们就去舅公家。这是我第一次到舅公家,也是第一次探望他们老人家。到了晚上十时,我们就回家。

今天,我们要去Universal Studio。是我期待依旧的地方。一大清早,我们就去吃虾面。表姐夫和表姐带我们到美芝律大虾面去吃。这间店是靠近新加坡机场。这间店的虾真的很大,它不像马来西亚的虾这么小。然后,表姐夫就载我们去Univerasl Studio。我以为我们会直接到那儿,他却跟我们说Universal Studio的入口是在ViVo City里面。但是,也要坐电动火车才能到Universal Studio。ViVo City是一个购物中心。当我们到了Universal Studio,可见人山人海。我们就去柜台拿票。因为怕排队又怕没票,所以妈咪才叫表姐早点买票。Universal Studio真的很大,它有六个主题的地方。这六个主题分别是Hollywood town, New York town, Madagascar land, Far Far Away, The lost World, Ancient Egypt,和 Sci-Fi City。

这是我在Hollywood town拍得照片^^

我们没有去Madagascar land因为感觉很像小孩子的乐园。这里有旋转木马和船坐。我们直接到Far Far Away去玩。这是Shrek主题的乐园。一到那儿,我们看到Shrek和Princess Fiona在游街。我们第一个去玩的是喷火龙的过山车,好刺激啊!!!


然后,我们就去Shrek 4-D Adventure看Shrek的电影。这个电影做得很真。当Donkey打喷嚏时,就有水在喷我们。真的很好玩。之后,我们就去看Donkey LIVE。这个节目对我来说是很闷得,它只适合给小孩的。当我们看完了Donkey LIVE,我们就去The Lost World。一听到这个名字就知道是恐龙乐园。一到那儿,我们就去看WaterWorld。因为很多人,所以我们用了那个Special Express。因为这个Express能让我们玩先,而且也不用排队。这是一个水上杂技表演,真的很好看(有爆炸的,枪声,打斗的等)


看完了表演,我们就去Canopy Flyer和Jurassic Park Rapid Adventure。之后,我们就去吃我们的午餐。到了差不多两点,我们就去Ancient Egypt。这是以埃及做主题的乐园。因为吃饱没多久,我们只好去Treasure Hunters玩。

这就是Treasure Hunters,你还小啊,老弟!^^

过后,我们就去The Revenge of The Mummy。它是Ancient Egypt最出名的室内过山车。当我们坐进去时,我开始害怕,因为周围的灯光越来越黑。这个过山车满特别,它有一个部分是倒退走还会喷火让我感觉很热等。超好玩,又刺激。之后,我们到处的去拍照。
最后,我们就去Sci-Fi city。



我们去看电器或电脑的展览。它是在Singapore Expo。我买了一个External hardisk 是1 tera的。我的弟弟买了一个相机。价钱真的很便宜,我的要100新币(RM250)而我的弟弟是188新币(RM450-460)。到了晚上,表姐带他的儿子和我们去Changiji机场。我们马来西亚的,真的是小巫见大巫。超壮观,超赞。新加坡机场是马来西亚的三倍,如果没有看错的话。


当我们要回去的时候,我们到McCafe去喝茶。它是属于MCD的,像STARBUCK CAFE一样卖咖啡的。之后,我们就回家休息。

